Last updated on January 20th, 2017 at 12:33 am
When people talk about the cities of Europe, many say that Prague and Budapest are the most beautiful cities that you can visit. While I probably need to visit more cities to confirm that notion, I can say that Prague and Budapest are indeed beautiful. From the architecture to the artistic details inside buildings and churches, I was very impressed by both cities when I visited them in 2011 and 2014 respectively.
This photo was taken during my January 2014 visit to Budapest, and is among many beautiful photos from the Matthias Church (known in Hungarian as Mátyás-templom).
There’s really not much to say about the photo, other than that it almost never happened. I was reluctant to walk into Mátyás-templom because it almost looked too small to be beautiful. Yes, I realize that is a very dumb observation, but I was worried that it wouldn’t be worth the price of admission.
It was absolutely worth the price of admission, and also helped me warm up from the cold winter temperatures that were below freezing. If you are in Budapest, make sure that you visit Buda castle and stop in Mátyás-templom to soak in the *small* but beautiful insides.
For those of you who enjoy seeing the original, non processed photo, here you go:
Notice that I didn’t really change anything. The lighting in the Church was pretty much perfect, so any post processing I tried to do made the image worse. I ended up settling for some light contrast increasing and lightening to offset the new contrast.
Here’s a photo from the same church that I took that day with my iPhone5 and later posted to Instagram:
Notice how any contrast added to the picture tends to degrade the quality? Sometimes churches don’t need to be enhanced!
Taylor says
This looks like a gorgeous church! I can’t wait to visit it in a few months.
Daisy @ Credit Walk says
That is one intricate and beautiful church! I’ve never been to Budapest (reading all of these travel blogs has sure shown me all of the places that I haven’t been, haha) but it is, like many other places, “on the list”.
yourPFpro says
Did you see the old hand haha?? I studied abroad in BP in 07 and it was amazing. Western Europe is nice but Eastern Europe is where it’s at in my opinion. So much to see, much less crowded and very affordable.