It’s that time again! Support local agriculture by dining out during the month of March for Localicious Hawaii 2019.
What is Localicious?
Localicious is an initiative of the Hawaii Agricultural Foundation that aims to increase awareness of locally grown and raised products. The program also promotes the expansion of and supports agriculture education programs around the state. After all, Hawaii is the most isolated group of island in the world, so ensuring food security is paramount. Plus, when fresher, locally grown stuff is usually better, right?
How it Works
Participating in Localicious is incredibly easy. All you need to do is dine at one of 260 participating restaurants around the State and order their Localicious menu item. And each time someone orders a Localicious menu item, the participating restaurant donates $1 to the Hawaii Agricultural Foundation.
Participating Restaurants
There are far too many restaurants to list here, but many of Hawaii’s best restaurants are participating. So, instead, I’ll list some of my favorites:
- Alan Wong’s
- Arancino
- Big City Diner
- Brick Fire Tavern
- Chef Mavro
- Chubbies Burgers
- Hawaiian Pie Co.
- MW Restaurant
- PAI Honolulu
- Stripsteak
- The Street HNL
- Zippy’s
There are participating restaurants from every island, by the way. However, my list includes Oahu restaurants only, as I don’t get to dine much on the neighbor islands. So, while there are ones I’d like to try, like Moon & Turtle in Hilo, I haven’t been to most of the participants. For the complete list of participating restaurants, including their featured dish, check out
Localicious Hawaii 2019, Final Thoughts
I firmly believe in eating (and shopping) local. Doing so, though, is more imperative in Hawaii, as we’re the most isolated group of islands on earth. So ensuring self-sufficiency is crucial. Besides, fresh produce almost always tastes better anyway, right? So if you’re going to be in Hawaii this month, be sure to check out the Localicious and maybe dine at one of the participating restaurants.